Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Whatcom County Auditor Shirley Forslov Retires

While the North Sound was blasted by cold 50+MPH winds, a brave group of women turned out for the March 12, 2012 meeting of Whatcom Women Democrats to pay tribute to retiring Whatcom County Auditor Shirley Forslov.  For those unfamiliar with the office, the County Auditor is primarily responsible for Elections.  Counting votes and maintaining the integrity of ballots is vital to maintaing an open and fair political process in the United States.  Hence we avoid the expensive chaos witnessed in Florida over ballot irregularities and protested results on any level, a competent auditor is vital to our county.  It was a warm and touching tribute to her 24 year career with Whatcom County, as former assoicates and friends shared favorite memories with her.  As a fun note, Forslov served as Parade Marshall for 2011 in Ferndale's Old Settlers Parade. 

1 comment:

  1. Pleased to report that Forslov's retirement includes many appearances to support the Dems.
